What version of Lightroom do I need?
For best results, we recommend Lightroom 2015 and later. Many presets utilize the "Dehaze" feature, which was released in 2015. You can also use it with the cloud version of Lightroom (Adobe Photoshop Lightroom), Adobe Camera Raw, and Lightroom Mobile.
Will my photos look good with your presets?
We are kind of obsessed with testing our presets. Every preset is tested across cameras from different camera manufacturers, from different photographers from all over the world, and different subject matter. The bottom line: we wouldn't release them if we didn't think you'd absolutely love them. Of course, the first step is actually taking a great photo, so uh, you know what they say about putting lipstick on a pig (it's still a pig).
Help! My edit doesn't look like yours!
We've helped so many people get the look they want out of these presets. The first thing you should always check is your white balance and exposure. Oftentimes adjusting your white balance is all is needed to turn something blah into something terrific. You can always reach out to us if you need help at here.
I got a new computer and lost the presets I purchased!
Well, that's not technically a question, but we'd be glad to help. Just forward your order receipt email to mangostreetoffice@gmail.com and let us know you need a new link to download the 'sets. We got you.
I still have questions.
Alright, you better head over to our contact page and we'll deal with you there.